Thursday 17 September 2009

Part 1 Analysising The Sunday Times and The Sunday Mirror

I will be researching in to my chosen newspaper which is 'The Sunday Times' and comparing it with another Sunday paper which is 'The News of the World'.

When looking at the Sunday times newspaper I could tell straight away that this newspaper is aimed at a middle class audience. The majority of the audience who read this newspaper are middle aged business men, this is because in todays society men are portrayed in the media to be the harder working and have more professional jobs. The Times newspaper highlights such topics as politics, the environment, business and money which are all topics that are targeted at successful business men. All the story's in the Times newspaper are very educational and informative, they talk about events that have happened all over the world not just everyday gossip about celebrity lives. The front page of the Times newspaper is full with text and sub-headings, it has very few small images to make the newspaper look attractive for the audience.

From looking at the News of the World it is very obvious that this newspaper is aimed at working class audience. The front page is full with celebrity gossip and football news, there is lots of use of large images which fill most of the page with small text headings to make you buy the newspaper to find out more. There is more use of colour throughout this newspaper to make it more attractive for the audience by use of images and colourful text to make headings stand out. This newspaper is defiantly not education is an easy read for the audience.

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